Tuesday 23 November 2010

Task 2

Disk Cleanup
Disk Cleanup helps to free up disk space and protect our privacy. There are two ways of doing disk cleanup in Windows XP, either with default Disk cleanup tools which comes up with Windows installation or we can download Disk cleanup from internet and install it which usually comes up with additional features.

Performing disk clean up with default Disk Cleanup

Performing disk clean up with default Disk Cleanup is quite easy task. To do it, first we should click on Start button, got to all programs, then Accessories, then go to System Tools and Click on Disk Cleanup. Then follow the instructions as per the instructions.

To install Disk Cleanup tools in a system through other sourscees following steps should be taken:

Download this Clean up utility from Internet then save it into your desktop. If you are at work, you might not have the Administrator to clean up your computer system.Right to install, contact your IT Support for help.
Double click the installer to start the installation process, check the box for the agreement, and click Next and Start to install.

Now click on the button Cleanup to start the clean up process. By default, it cleans up News Group Cache, Delete News Group Subscriptions, Delete cookies, Cleanup All Users. Plus .bak, .tmp, .chk, index.dat. It might takes up to 10 minutes depending how good the system is.

Drive Formatting
Step 1: Backup All of The Data On Your Hard Drive. If you would like to quickly backup your files and setup easy automated backups later, follow these steps:

1.Look at all of the programs that are installed on your computer.

-Make sure you have a copy of the program to reinstall and have its serial number and/or license key written down.
-Make sure you backup any data files associated with the program.

2.Backup all of your documents such as Word or Excel documents.

3.Don't forget to save your bookmarks and emails.

4.You can manually backup your data by copying all of the files you know you need or you can use a backup software program.

Step 2: Erase All of The Data on Your Disk
1.After you have all the backup then you can open my computer.
2.Right Click on the Drive and Click on Format and Follow the instruction depends on which type of file system you would like to make, NTFS or FAT.

The range of utility software currently Availabe (Task 1 C)

The range of utility software currently Availabe.
ACDSee 7 Powerpack
This utility is used for image and photo viewing, editing and organizing suite.

AVG Anti-Virus
It provides protection and security against all viruses.
Backup4all v2.3
It is intuitive, zip-based, automated backup utility.

Defrag Manager
This is hard disk optimization utility.
Defragmenter Pro V1.0
This is another disk optimization utility.
Diskeeper 2007 Professional Premier
This is an advanced hard drive defragmentation and optimization.

Dogwaffle v1.6
It is powerful, professional paint program
DriverScanner 2009
It is a system and hardware driver scanning and updates
EasyBoot v5.02
It helps creating multiple ISO images of different operating systems on bootable CD
JetAudio Plus w/jetRadio
It is an audio and video playback software
jetAudio v6.2.8 Plus VX
It is audio, video, DVD playback, music ripping multimedia center.

Registry Booster 2
It helps to clean, maintain, defrag, speed up the Windows 2000, XP & Vista registry.

Monday 22 November 2010

Installing and Configuring Printer

To run a Printer we need proper driver for it. We can go to the official site of relevent Printer and install the Driver by downloading it. If we choose other sites, it may hav virus and can't be trusted.`

Task 1 (B)

Task 1 (B)

Doing above activities on the Computer System have various effects. When a Virus Protection tool is installed and is updated regularly, then it will help protect the files in our computer from new viruses. Scheduled Scans will scan your computer whether the computer is already infected with virus, if it is then it will remove the virus from the system.

Installing Service Pack 3 patches or making computer updated with latest operating system will add new security fixes and new updated features and will be easier for users to use.

Formatting a drive will remove all the files from the drive and will increase the free disk size.

Installing Firewalls will protect computer from harmful Trojans and Viruses.

Creating folders will help managing and arranging the files in appropriate and Professional way.

Copying will duplicates the files and Deleting will either send it to recycle bin or delete it from computer straight away. Recycle bin will be helpful if in case the file is needed in future.

Back-up to a CD using compression software will help storing the data and files into CD so that more data can be stored compressed. A compressed file can be decompressed at the time of need using the relevant software like Winzip, WinRAR etc.

Installing DVD writer

Installing a DVD writter.

To install a DVD writter Drive in a system unit, first thing to do is unplugg all the power supplies to the System then open the case and attach it. We have to make sure which type of connector it supports, if it was PATA (Parallel ATA) we would have used IDE connectors which was normally used in old computers, but nowadays its all about SATA(Serial ATA) which will help data transmission bit by bit or serially. It is a new technology and is faster than PATA. Then power supply cable should be plugged at the back of the DVD writter Device as well as SATA Cable. After that is done, Case should be closed properly and computer should be turned on. After operating system is loaded completely, we can have make sure whether it is installed properly or not by right clicking on My computer and then to the Device manager.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Cleaning System unit (Physically)

To clean a System unit, we should first have anti-static hygiene wipe and antistatic foam cleaner. To start cleaning, we should first make sure that the computer is not connected with power. Then the dust is brushed away first, then the foam cleaner should be spreaded to the hygiene wipe and cleaning can be started beginning from monitor, then keyboard, mouse and then inside the system unit case.

Monday 1 November 2010

Deleting Files

First, right click on the file to delete and click on Delete from right click menu

The file will moved to recycle bin. If it is to be completely deleted from computer then SHIFT button should be holded while pressing delete.

Copy files

This is the post which explains to copy and paste files

First, right click on file to be copied, followed by a click on Copy.

right click and then open the folder to where the file is to be copied

Right click and click on paste from right click menu inside the folder

And the copy of the file will be created on the specific folder we want

Create Folders

Create a Folder

First, Right Click, go to New, the click Folder

Then, we can rename it or leave it as it is.

Schedule Scan for 10:00 am every Friday

First we should Click on Computer Scanner.

Then click on Manage Scheduled Scans.

Next, Click on Edit Scan Schedule.

Finally, select the time and date for Scan to be held, then click on Save.

Virus Protection

First step is to open Anti Virus.

 Second step is to Click on Update now.

Next Step would be a click on Update if we get a new update on web.

We will have to wait until the update is uploaded and installed.

Finally a update was found and was done succesfully